Ag Loans
From large-scale, full-time farming operations to small, part-time hobby farms, we support all types of agriculture and tailor loans to fit your needs.
Poultry Loans
From poultry farms to poultry house construction, we have loan programs to fit producer needs.
- New poultry house construction (construction and permanent loan rolled into one, easy loan closing)
- Farm purchase
- Loans for updating or retrofitting poultry houses
- Refinancing
Young, Beginning Poultry Loan Program (35 years old or younger, and farming 10 years, or less)
Want to be a poultry farmer but need a little assistance with the large initial investment? We know it's hard to get into farming and want to help.
You may qualify for one or more special loan considerations.
- Relaxed down-payment requirements
- Discounted appraisal and loan origination fees
- Competitive long-term, fixed interest rates

Livestock Loans
Regardless of the size or type of livestock operation you have, we have loans to fit your needs. Loan terms are tailored to your production cycle, making payments convenient.
Financing for:
- Real Estate
- Refinancing
- Expansion
- Livestock, feed, and replacement
- Fencing and equipment
- Technology or alternative energy upgrades
- Renovations or improvements
- Leasing

Land Loans
Whether you're buying land to farm, build a home on (now or in the future), or for recreational use, we have real estate loans that fit your needs.
- Long-term fixed interest rates set us apart from other lenders
- Requiring less down than most lenders
- Patronage Cash back (as a member, you share in the association’s profits)
- Payments to fit your cash flow (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual options)
- Flexible interest rate conversion options
- First-time real estate buyer or ownership credit for qualifying borrowers
Loans with loan-to-value ratios greater than 85% may be considered with a condition of approval involving a USDA Farm Service Agency guaranteed lending program or Small Business Administration guarantee.

Equipment Loans
We save you time and money by partnering with AgDirect for equipment loans greater than $10,000. It's easy! Simply ask for AgDirect at your local equipment dealer.
The AgDirect loan application is short and simple, with loan descisions made in a matter of minutes - while the customer is still at the dealership.

Crop Loans
We’ve been financing production agriculture since 1916 and that experience means we understand western Arkansas row crop farmers better than anybody.
From large, full-time farmers producing traditional row crops to small, or part-time fruit and/or vegetable farm-to-market production - we can tailor financing to fit your crop cash flow needs.
We can finance:
- Real estate
- Refinancing
- Expansion
- Equipment
- Grain storage/drying facilities
- Technology or alternative energy upgrades
- Renovations or improvements

Operating Loans
Land rent, fertilizer, diesel fuel - just because you have to wait until harvest to get paid doesn’t mean the bills will. We offer lines of credit to maintain your operation through seasonal cash flow cycles.
Designed to fit the way you produce and market
- Short-term loans to finance daily business operations
- Variable, fixed and adjustable interest rates
Revolving Line of Credit
- Borrow and repay as often as necessary as long as outstanding balance doesn’t exceed credit limit
- Simple interest accrues only on outstanding balance
- Loans can be written with a 1-3 year maturity date to limit paperwork and save time - subject to credit approval

Agribusiness Loans
We can finance agribusinesses that produce, process, and market agricultural products. We also finance agri-businesses that provide on-farm services.
- Poultry processing facilities
- Feed mills
- Cold storage
- Wineries
- Sawmills
- And more